The Legacy Gardens

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The Legacy Gardens at the Dawes Arboretum, Heath Ohio…
More images and descriptions of these series of gardens at the Dawes will be coming soon!  Hopefully they will attain funding this year and construction shots will be on the way!

This series of gardens is located on a path that will wind its way through the mature hardwood forest surrounding the Dawes Memorial.  This forest is peppered with oaks that have matured enough to allow a healthy mixed prairie to thrive beneath them.  The gardens are meant to be a experienced in a way that will highlight the legacies of the donors that made them possible, to celebrate their lives, to be meditative, restful and rejuvenating…

If you would like to be a part of making this happen with a contribution, please contact the Dawes Arboretum today!

The Trellis Garden…

The Trellis Garden includes a central bubbler fountain, annual and perennial areas, topiary opportunities, decorative urns, seating wall surround, and a trellis structure that provides shade as well as supports the swinging benches.

 All of these gardens are integrated into the slope and have magnificent views to the rest of the arboretum…

The Circle Garden…

The Circle Garden includes a central three tiered traditional fountain that fills the space with the sounds of water, annual and perennial areas, topiary opportunities, decorative urns, seating wall surround on the high side of the existing slope, and descending steps proceeding directly into the mixed woodland prairie below…

All of these gardens are integrated into the slope and have magnificent views to the rest of the arboretum…

The Rectangle Garden…

The Rectangle Garden is a straight up classic English Garden that includes a central bubbler fountain, annual and perennial areas, topiary opportunities, decorative urns, and a seating wall surround.

 All of these gardens are integrated into the slope and have magnificent views to the rest of the arboretum…

The Oval Garden…

The Oval Garden is takes on a relatively non-traditional form to mix things up and help with its integration within the existing trees and grade that surrounds it.  The garden includes a central three tiered traditional fountain that fills the space with the sounds of water, annual and perennial areas, topiary opportunities, decorative urns, seating wall surround on the high side of the existing slope, and descending steps proceeding directly into the mixed woodland prairie below…

All of these gardens are integrated into the slope and have magnificent views to the rest of the arboretum…

The Nook Garden…

The Nook Garden is a small seating area with sculpture opportunities, annual and perennial areas, topiary opportunities, decorative urns, and seating wall surround…

All of these gardens are integrated into the slope and have magnificent views to the rest of the arboretum…

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